Cost Impact Calculator
The Cost Tool will calculate the annual cost and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) differences between a single Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) and equivalent Electric Vehicle (EV) unit. To use the tool please adjust the inputs to represent the costs and duty cycle of the units you wish to compare. The Cost Tool will default to a general assumed figure based on the Vehicle Class and Application if no user input is entered.
Annual Cost Comparison: ICE vs. EV
Annual Saving by switching one
Car used in Municipal application
from ICE to EV:
Cost Savings ($)
GHG Emissions (kg CO2e)
Fleet Impact Analysis
The Fleet Impact allows users to calculate the annual cost and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) differences across multiple unit types of Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) and equivalent Electric Vehicle (EV) units minus the cost of charging infrastructure. To use the Fleet Impact calculator, adjust the values for charging infrastructure input to reflect your situation. The Fleet Impact calculator will use default figures if no user input is entered. Once the charging infrastructure inputs have been entered you can begin adding your fleet units into the table. You will need to enter what level of charging infrastructure will be used to charge and the annual cost and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) savings from the Cost Tool for each type of unit that comprises your fleet.
Class | Application | Unit Count | L1, L2 or L3 Charging |
Cost Savings per Unit $ |
GHG Emissions (kg CO2e) Savings per ICE |
Total Cost Savings $ |
Total GHG Emissions (kg CO2e) Savings |
Annual Savings by Vehicle Class & Application
- Inner Circle: Annual Cost Savings for ALL Vehicle Classes & All Applications.
- Middle Circle: Annual Cost Savings by Vehicle Classes.
- Outer Circle: Annual Cost Savings by Application.
Annual Emissions Savings by Vehicle Class
Annual Cost Savings by Vehicle Class
The annual cost difference between Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) and equivalent Electric Vehicle (EV) unit is estimated to be “Total Annual Savings (-cost)” for all your units after subtracting the cost of charging infrastructure. The annual Tailpipe GHG Savings (Tonnes CO2e) is estimated to be “Total Tailpipe GHG Savings (Tonnes CO2e)” across the entire fleet.
Units Using L1 Charging | |
Units Using L2 Charging | |
Units Using L3 Charging | |
Number of L2 Stations Needed | |
Number of L3 Stations Needed | |
Total Cost Savings for ALL Units | |
Annual Capital Cost: L1 | |
Annual Capital Cost: L2 | |
Annual Capital Cost: L3 | |
Total Annual Cost Savings (LESS Annual Capital Cost) | |
Total Annual Tailpipe GHG Savings (Tons CO2e) | |
*Note: All $ values are in Canadian Dollars